Aug 22, 2013


   The world is witnessing one of the biggest campaigns led by the enemies of Islam to erase our Ummah. Mass killings, assassinations of individuals, imprisonment, arson, demolition of houses, rape and murder of Muslims are conducted on broad day light in front of the whole world. As the corrupt leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates indulge in worldly pleasure protecting their thrones our Ummah is bleeding. 
Backing these hypocrites the Western countries are paying billions to spread democracy and robbing Muslims lands and resources.

   This is the democracy they are proclaiming and this is the human rights they are bragging. Even if  the West and its allies spend all the money they have and all the military power they have they cannot extinguish the flame of Islam. You may kill us, rape our women, bomb us or use chemical weapons on us but our destiny had been already written and it was written by the almighty Allah (swa ). 

    Fourteen hundred years and still we are growing and the enemies of Islam had failed in stopping us. Great empires like the Persian, Roman and Mongols had failed and so will the western world of today. 

      Dear brothers and sisters are we still going to keep on dreaming about accumulating wealth and worldly pleasures. One by one the Muslims countries are being robbed,corrupted and its people killed and driven out by the enemies of Islam. When we look back we cannot blame any one else for this misery but our own selves. We no longer live by Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). We have stopped forbidding evil and calling for good. We are devoured in sinful acts and we have left our daily prayers.The leaders we have chosen to lead us are movie stars,body builders and hypocrites. How can we have a prosperous life ? Yes, we can live a temporary life of happiness but our fate is not far. Enemies of Islam had already infiltrated this country and they are working behind the hypocrites to corrupt our country and to extinguish Islam from this country. Through the educational curriculum and media our enemies had mislead our younger generation into music, drugs and sex. Through women rights the they had mislead our women in free mixing with men leading to rise in divorces and unlawful sexual acts. Through democracy they have spread hatred and violence among us stopping the development of our country. So we need to wake up from this worldly delusions and join our hands to revive the Ummah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw).

    May Allah swa guide us to the right path and make us firm in this path. May Allah swa give us the ability to choose pious leaders to lead us. May Allah swa protect our Ummah. May Allah swa protect our religious scholars who are spreading the call of Islam. May Allah swa protect and give victory to the Mujahideen fighting for our religion. May Allah swa free our prisoners in the jails of the hypocrites and enemies. May Allah swa give the highest ranks in Jannathul Firdos to our martyrs. May Allah swa protect our weak,old and children from harm. May Allah swa give our women the guidance to raise pious children. 


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