Apr 21, 2013



Imam Shafi ( may Allah (swa) have mercy on him ) said " Whenever I set myself to learn, I realize how little I know and the more I learn, the more I realize how ignorant I am".

      Its a road we all had traveled but a road that had lead us into this pitfall. This is the main reason why our Muslim brothers and sisters are being persecuted  everyday by the hand of our enemies. 
     Sometimes we tend to believe that we know everything and judge others as being wrong. We lived our life as ignorant as an animal but once Allah (SWA) gives us guidance we tend to become proud and feel that we know everything. Just by growing a beard and raising our garment above our ankles doesn't make us the most pious man in the face of the earth. If you have heard the story of Moosa (AS) and Khidr (AS) you will know how Allah (SWA) tested Moosa (AS) when he boasted that he was the most knowledgeable person in the face of the earth. 
      We say that we are following the most pious person to walk in this world but our actions are far from it. What comes from our mouth is foul, we argue with those who have knowledge, our actions and words don't relate, our discipline is like a ignorant person and we have no respect for our Muslim brothers and sisters. We don't know a single hadith by its chain of narration but we argue with people who had lead us into the light from darkness. The scholars they could be wrong and sometimes there might be shortcomings from their side. But for once think that you could also be wrong.
      Ever since our Messenger Muhammad (SAW) left us we been fighting each other and killing each other. If we look at our Ummah we will see that the children of the infidels insulting our Mothers and sisters infront of us, we see people mocking our religion and the Prophet on our own soil. But we are so ignorant and helpless fighting among our selves. When are we going to learn? When the infidels put alcohol into our throat? So wake up brothers and sisters and reunite and lets lead this Ummah to its original place. May Allah (SWA) guide us all and reunite us.

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