Knowledge is given by Allah (swa) to us. We might think that the Diploma's, Degree's,PH D's are our own fruits that we harvested from our own hard work. If you think so first think about who gave you the eyes to see,a brain to record the knowledge,the wealth to get the education,your foot to walk to the university or school. In Quran Allah (swa) says "Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,- He who Taught (the use of ) the pen,-Taught man that which he knew not.Nay,but the man doth transgress all bounds".(96:3-6) So use your knowledge to build a better Muslim community in all areas of life. Knowledge taught to others or used to benefit the Human kind is a deed that will benefit even when you have left this world. Our Messenger (saw) said "When a human being dies,all of his deeds are terminated except for three things; an ongoing sadaqah (charity), a knowledge from which others benefit,and a righteous child who makes dua (supplication) for him".
2-An Action that is absent from sincerity,and is not based on the correct example.Sincerity is the key for accepting your actions and deeds. Allah (swa) says in Quran " And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah,offering Him sincere devotion,being True(in faith)". (98:5). You should have true sincerity in your heart when dealing with every aspect of your life.When you don't have sincerity in your actions it will not be upright and straight. Having doubt about an issue or thing will decrease your zeal or interest in that particular issue or thing. So sincerity is essential in our life. Specially in worshiping Allah (swa). Basing your actions and deeds on correct example means performing you religious and earthly actions and deeds according to the principles of Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Allah (swa) says in Quran " O ye who believe ! Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger and those who are in authority among you.And if you differ anything among yourselves,refer it to Allah and His Messenger if you are believers in Allah and the last day.That is best and most commendable in the end".(3:60)
3- Wealth that is hoarded,as the owner neither enjoys it during this life,nor obtains any reward from it for the Hereafter. If you look at the world today how many people die due to hunger,how many people die due to thirst,how many people die due to lack of health care and how many people die due to natural disasters. Rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Every year the world will choose the richest people and crown them due to the fact that the wealth they amassed.If the ten richest people in the world give Alms ( Zakaah) from their wealth this world will be a better place than it is now for how many families ? I am not saying that all the rich are like this,but majority hoard their wealth and use them in spreading sins. Allah (swa) says in Quran “And those who hoard up gold and silver (Al‑Kanz: the money, the Zakaah of which has not been paid) and spend them not in the way of Allah, announce unto them a painful torment”.(9:34) When we want to organize a religious sermon, money to construct mosques and Quran classes the rich people most of the time wont even bother. But if some people are organizing music shows,fashion shows or sport activities sponsors will rain down on them. Allah (swa) gave you the wealth and He can take it back ! So beware of this !And remember that you cannot take the wealth you amassed to your grave.
4- A heart that is empty of love and longing for Allah(swa),and of seeking closeness to Him.5- A body that does not serve or obey Allah(swa).
Serving Allah (swa) is believing in what Allah (swa) revealed (Quran),following the guidelines of the last Messenger Muhammad (saw) and using your body,wealth, all you posses to spread His religion and to attain His love and mercy.
Below is a piece of advice given to some students of Shaykh ‘Abd Al-Qādir Al-Jīlānī a renown Shaikh from Pakistan.
O young man! What about servitude [‘ubūdiyya] to the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He)? Come, offer genuine servitude, and accept what is quite sufficient for all your own concerns. You are a slave running away from your Master. Go back to Him, submit to Him and humble yourself through obedience to His commands and prohibitions, and patience and compliance with His decree. When this has been fully accomplished on your part, your servitude to your Master will be complete, and you will receive quite enough from Him. As Allāh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said: Does not Allah(swa) suffice his servant ? (39:36).
When your servitude to Him is as it should be, He will love you and make His love strong in your heart. He will befriend you and draw you near to Him, with no trouble and without your having to seek the companionship of any other, so that you will be well pleased with Him under all circumstances. Even if He were to make the broad earth narrow for you, even if He were to block the wide gates against you, you would still not be displeased with Him, nor would you approach the door of any other.
6- Loving Allah (swa) without seeking his pleasure.
The finest example I could give to explain this point is the incident of the Ta'if. During the Meccan period our beloved Messenger Muhammad (Sallallahu 'Alahi Wasallam) went to a city called Ta'if near Mecca to preach Islam. Muhammad (saw) went there to see if the people of Ta'if would accept the faith of Islam. But he (saw) was met by resistance and was stoned so badly that blood dropped from his blessed body. He barely made out of the city ! Once he got out of the city he sat in garden near by and made this du'a to Allah (swa) O" Allah ! To you do I complain of my weakness,little resource and low lines before (these) people. O Most merciful ! You are the Lord of the weak and you are my Lord. To whom will you confide me? To one afar who will misuse me or to an enemy to whom you have dominance over me ? If you are not angry with me ? I don't care.Your favor of well being on me is sufficient for me. I seek refuge in the light of Your countenance,by which the darkness is illuminated and by which the affairs of the life and the next have been rightly ordered,lest Your anger descend upon me,or Your wrath not but light upon me but come down on me. It is for You to be satisfied until You are well pleased. There is no power and no might except in You." He (saw) was the most blessed Human being to ever lived in this world but see how severely he was tested. But see the words which came out of his(saw) blessed mouth.This is a true example of person seeking love and pleasure of Allah (swa). For one who seeks Allah (swa) love and pleasure when he is confronted with a calamity he is patient and he thanks Allah (swa) for the other numerous blessing upon him. So being pleased with Allah (swa) is being patient with Allah (swa) decree and thanking Allah (swa). Worshiping only Allah (swa) to seek His love and pleasure also comes within this.
7- Time that is not spent expiating sins or seizing opportunities to perform deeds of righteousness that will bring one close to Allah (swa) .
Scholars and Philosophers say that all the wealth in this world cannot bring back a single second which was wasted. I could still remember the days that I used to play with my shadows while I am in the bed as a kid. It seems it was just yesterday. But I have spent 32 years of my life. So little I know from the Quran, how many prayers I have abandoned, how many Ramazan was wasted, sins I have committed are uncountable but yet the time left for me to repent is unknown. I don't know when my death will knock on my door.Just like everyone I wasted half of my life to realize that one day I will die and meet Allah (swa). I don't want to meet Allah (swa) in state that I am smelling from my uncountable sins and meet His displeasure. Allah (swa) says in Quran " By the time! Men is in loss".( 103:1,2) So use your time usefully specially in worshiping Allah (swa) and remembering the favors upon us by the Almighty Allah (swa).
8-A mind that thinks about issues which bring about no benefit.
Most of us sees this life in the earth as a source to achieve wealth,women, family,career and all worldly pleasures. Allah (swa) gave us all this to test us,to see who is the righteous and thankful. When we seek and worry about worldly matters excessively we get lost in it. Decree of Allah (swa) must be accepted.Worrying about losing a job,career,a child and your wealth is actually happening because you are not ready to accept the decree of Allah (swa) and His divine law. No matter how much you think,you wouldn't get even an atom size increase in your sustenance except for that which is decreed by Allah (swa).
Allah (swa) say in Quran " Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is a similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of Allah.. And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception?". So why do we worry ?
9-Serving those who neither bring you close to Allah(swa) or benefit you in your life.
Serving those who neither bring you close to Allah (swa) nor benefit you in your life falls into different categories. It could be your friends,race,country,political party or any other organization or a group.Our messenger Muhammad (saw) said " The case of good and bad companionship is like that of one who sells perfume and one who blows bellows (iron smith)". (Bukhari and Muslim). If you go to see a person who is selling perfume you will get the good smell from him. But if you go to see the Iron smith your clothes might get burned and you will smell repugnant. If you have good friends which you serve they will guide you and prohibit you from committing sin.But if you serve a bad friend you will be mislead by him and you will waste your valuable time which you can do good deeds. Allah (swa) says in Quran " A person is upon the religion of his close friend,so beware who you befriend." This Hadeeth and the verse from Quran can be used to finalize that when you choose friends, wives, husbands or any group or organization that particular person or group shall be among the pious, those who love the religion of Allah (swa).
10- Hoping and fearing one who is under the authority of Allah (swa), and whose forehead is in His Hand,while he cannot bring any benefit,harm,life,death or resurrection to himself.
The one who hopes anything or fears anyone other than Allah (swa), that person is mislead. Allah (swa) said in Quran " You should not fear them but rather fear Me, so that I can complete My blessing to you so that hopefully you will be guided". (2:150) When the Prophet Yusuf (AS) was told by the wife of his master that he will be locked in the prison if he doesn't have illegal sexual acts with her what Yusuf (as) said as is revealed by Allah (swa) in Quran " She (the governer's wife ) said, "You see ! It's him you blamed me for. I tried seducing him but he refused .If he does not do what I order him,he will be put in prison and brought low".He (Yusuf) said "My Lord,the prison is preferable to me than what they call on me to do.Unless You turn their guile away from me,it may be that I will fall for them and so become a man of ignorance". (12:32,33) This is how we should confront anyone who is trying to convince us to commit sins. But the reality is that money,women and power had deluded us into committing sins against our own selves. The world is in a state in which Muslims will serve infidels,hypocrites and criminals just to attain wealth. What we forget is that we will one day die and we will have to stand in front of Allah(swa) and be answerable for this !
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