Born helpless and feeble we come into this World. So naive and innocent we breath our first breath into this world. If it wasn't for the mercy and love given by Allah (swa) to our Parents we would have not lasted a minute in this world. We Humans after numerous blessings from Allah (swa) we have transgressed against the commandments of Allah (swa). We come to this world so weak, but once we attain maturity we come to believe that we are the most superior beings and there is no one above us. Fool is he who takes this worldly life to attain wealth,women,power,status and pleasures of this world. The world had witnessed generations that were stronger,more in number and more in wealth. They transgressed against the divine law and killed their Prophets and Messengers who were sent by Allah (swa) as a guidance for them. Where are they now and where have they gone ? We cannot even hear a single sound of them ! The wrath of Allah (swa) fell on them in lightening speed erasing their existence for generations to come. So why do we transgress the divine Law of Allah (swa) ?
What do you need most at this moment ? Women,men ,money,status,power or a career ! This is what most of us will crave, but you will give all this up if you come to know that death is about to set on you. This is the reality ! Rich people throughout the world spend millions to save their lives from diseases like HIV,but even with all the wealth they had not been able to avail him from meeting his death. The truth is we are so deluded in this earthly materialistic life we don't realize this. We know that death will meet us,we know that we cannot take a single penny to the grave,we know that our beautiful wives one day will merry someone else when we die,we know that our wealth will be distributed when we die and we know that one day our family and friends will forget us. The tears they shed will dry and yield to laughter. If you would have thought about death more often you would for sure prepared your self to meet death in a rewarding way. For instance if you are traveling to a country for few days, you will take sustenance that is enough for the trip. This is the parables we should contemplate when we live in this world. No one know how short or long our journey is ! Infants die after seconds they breath their first breath in this world.Some die in their teens, in their adult hood and some die old with grey hair from top to toe. So take what is enough from this world and perform the rights of Allah (swa). To a pious person this world is no more than a field where he harvest his good deeds so that the good deeds that he harvested will sustain him in the Hereafter.+
We cannot say that we will repent when we are old or we cannot say that our Emaan is too low to perform the rights of Allah(swa). Excuses are all that we hear ! You can give your excuses and arguments to your fellow Human beings ,but will you be able to give your excuses and arguments to the Almighty and to the All knowing Allah (swa). We being Muslims and knowing all this how can we transgress the guidance of Allah (swa)! How many of us had abandoned the daily prayers, how many of us had wasted the month of Ramazan in play, how many of us are unjustly eating the money of orphans and your friends, how many of us having illegal sexual acts, how many of are using drugs and alcohol,how many of us are disobedient to your parents and husbands,how many of us cheat our wives and husbands and how many of us hoard wealth without giving the Zakah (Alms). Ask these questions to your self ! See how far astray are you from the path of Allah (swa). Measure your good deeds and sins ! Seek repentance !
Time is short and time is running out. Repent if you are careless about the rights of Allah (swa). Start preparing to meet your death by performing your daily prayers and doing good deeds. If you dont believe what I say then wait till the Angels of death set upon you and squeeze your death ! That day you will beg Allah (swa) to send you back to this world to worship He the Almighty again. But even all the gold in this world will not avail you ! Mark my word ! May Allah (swa) give us guidance,cause to whom You have given misguidance no one can guide him and to whom You have given guidance no one can misguide him. To You we worship, to You is the final return. Forgiver our sins and do forgive us if we forget and fall into error. My final return is to you so have mercy on our souls. Amen.
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