Oct 28, 2012



            The defeat and the bitterness of the Muslim Ummah facing at the hand of its enemies is not due to the sophisticated weapons used by our enemies or their numbers. Its is due to the disunity,racism and nationalism the Ummah had faced. Our enemies they study our our religion, our cultures,our mindset and our weaknesses and use these to exploit Muslims. They spread hatred among ourselves and break the Islamic bond that had united us. If we look at the Muslim lands we see Muslims fighting each other and shedding blood of each other.
             Success will not be achieved unless we set aside our own rivalry and difference of opinion and fight to achieve the interest of the Muslim Ummah as a whole.


May 31, 2012




    That Day shall a man flee from his brother,
   And from his mother and his father,
   And from his wife and his children,
   Every man that Day will have enough to make him careless of others, (80 - 34-37)

       In this transient life we human beings are somehow dependent on others. No human being had seen the light of this world without a Mother and a Father except Jesus (as). We are born so weak that without the mercy of Allah (swa) and the care of our Mothers we won’t last an hour. After that when we grow up we have friends who share their dreams and life with us. Afterwards we get married and become a Father or Mother. Once we grow old most of the time we are dependent on our children for taking care of us or we rely on our countries government who pays us after our retirement.
       When dangers arise or when we are in need our Family and Friends are always there to help us in this world. But there is day that all these people whom you seek help and assistance will flee from  you !
        On the day of Judgement when the mankind is brought to the Kingdom of Allah swa for reckoning we will flee from our Mothers, Fathers, Wives, Children, Brothers, Sisters and Friends. That is because they might ask you to lend you some good deeds that you have done. That day everyone will be worried about their own self. That day is so fearful that even an Infant who had died without any sins will be so afraid that the hair on his or her head will turn to grey.
       But yet we follow our Friends, Leaders, Mothers, Fathers, Wives and Children's abandoning the law of Allah swa. But if you clearly read the verses on top of this article you will see that all these people will abandon you on the day of reckoning. You will have only the good deeds that you did. So purify your love for Allah swa over all these people.

May 30, 2012



     Yet another massacre in the Muslim world is going on and the Muslims and the leaders of the Muslim countries are pretending that they are deaf and blind. The world had witnessed several massacres of the Muslims throughout the history of world and yet again we are witnessing one of the most horrific slaughter of the present time.
      We have seen the Palestinians being slaughtered by the Jews, we have seen the Afghans slaughtered by the British, Russians and the Americans, we have seen the Bosnian Muslims slaughtered by the Serbs, and we have seen the Iraqi Muslims wiped out by Americans. The Muslims are oppressed and slaughtered but our decadence and delusions of the world had crippled the Muslim Ummah to react to these on slaughter. The Muslims leaders are sleeping in their palaces with their families and we Muslims are enjoying our life while these Muslims are crying out for our help.

May 14, 2012



          The rows formed during the five congregation prayers in the mosque tell us something that which most of us fail to understand. When forming rows for the congregation the Imam will call out to close up the gaps in between the people, to stand shoulder to shoulder and to keeps each other’s feet touching. The rows should be straight and while performing the prayer everyone should try to keep the rows in the same manner. So when you look at a congregation following these principles you will see the unity and strength in that congregation. The main purpose of a congregation is to create unity and strength and to increase brother hood. On top of that it disciplines you in maintaining order in your day to day life.
           But when you look at the rows formed in the congregation prayers now you will see that people are hesitant to follow these principles. When you look at the rows there might be one to two  feet gaps in between  each other and when your feet touches the feet of the other person that person might frown at you. Even the rows are like a snake. So the real strength and unity of congregation is lost. The reality is that strength and unity of the Ummah is seen from the rows made for congregation prayers. If you had a chance to prayer at the Muslims holiest two mosques you can see how poorly the rows are arranged for prayers. This is a major sign which shows us how weak our brother hood is. If you look at the Muslim world you see how helpless, weak and divided we are. The enemies of Islam are playing with the Muslim countries like a toy. They bomb civilians in front of the whole world and say that it was a miscalculation and they missed the target. And the Muslim leaders who had sold their soul to these infidels’ just smiles and pretend that nothing had happened. But when a bomb explodes in a western country the whole world cries like the world is about to end. And even the Muslim leaders go on condemning the incident like the bomb had exploded in their own house. This is where we stand and how weak we are. So brothers join shoulder to shoulder and feet to feet and keep aside our differences and unite. Without unity we are like the scum which flows through a river.

Mar 30, 2012



What have made you forget of your abode ?   
Is it the money that you hoard ?
                          What have made you forget about the darkness of  the grave ?
Is it the desires that you crave ?
              What have made you forget that you will turn to dust ?
         Is it the unlawful sexual acts and lust ?
                 What have made you forget of the rotting of your body ?
                      Is it the tireless efforts to beautify your body ? 
                                 What have mad you forget of the grave and its harsh punishments ?
Is it the worldly enjoyments ?     
                          What have made you forget of the departing from your family ?
               Is it the love and obsession of your family ?



        The darkness witnessed by these Muslims, the heat and the cold felt by these Muslims, the blood that droops down the bodies of these  Muslims from torture, the diseases that spread among these Muslims due to malnutrition, the longing for their family and friends from these Muslims, the insomnia that looms within these Muslims, the psychological torture of these Muslims, the longing for justice and safety among these Muslims are being ignored by the Muslim communities in the world. The Muslim prisoners locked up for no other reason than saying that " There is no God but Allah (swa) and that Muhammad (saw) is His messenger and slave". We have a obligation to these brothers and sisters and that obligation is to fight till our last drop of blood and sweat to free them and making dua for then to give them steadfastness and for their freedom.


        Together with the infidels of the West the  hypocrite Muslim leaders who is hungered by power and wealth had been locking up and muting  powerful Muslim figures and normal citizens trying to stop them from spreading words of Allah (swa). They are being falsely charged of supporting terrorism and carrying on terrorism. But these prisoners are being kept in the lockup without a trial for years and even they don't know what they have been charged for. The governments which are calling to respect the Human rights and calling  for fair trials are showing their true colors by taking away the civil rights of Muslims throughout the world. If a westerner is caught and locked up for smuggling drugs or even spying these countries will put bondage on poor countries to free these people. But  when Muslims fighting to defend their own land,property and family are labelled as terrorists and locked up without even a trial. This is the double standard and the cruelty they been showing to Muslims.


       For most of the Muslims it doesn't even bother what is  happening to the Muslims throughout the world. As long as  they are happy and wealthy they don't have time to think about the suffering of Muslims locked up. This is the reality. The world is need of Muslims who are willing to give their life away to protect the covenant we have made with Allah (swa) by saying " There is no God but Allah (swa) and Muhammad is His Messenger and His slave". So be true to your covenant and be mindful that you will be questioned about the covenant.

Mar 26, 2012



        A man travelling in the wilderness of a desert rests in a shade of a date palm. He ties his camel and rests in the shade. He falls asleep and wakes up to find that his camel had fled. In mere desperation the man starts looking for it. But his search leads to nothing but thirst and tiring. Hopeless the man comes back to the shade of the date palm and waits the dreadful fate about to fall upon him. Suddenly the silence of the desert is broken by a movement of something. To his amazement the man finds his camel. The joy the man felt was so overwhelming he falls into the prostration of his creator. Its like the man is given a second chance to live. Likewise a man lost in the traps of Satan, desires of this world, corrupted by his desires and with amassed sins will have the similar sensations when he is touched by the guidance of Allah (swa). It is like a man coming from darkness into the light. Gift of guidance from Allah (swa) is like giving you another life. But yet few people treasure this gift.

           What more do you want than the love and the guidance of Allah (swa). He the almighty, the creator of everything and the most merciful has the power over everything in this universe. Not a single living creature can crawl or move without the will of Allah (swa). Without Allah (swa) mercy we cannot even exist a second. All our affairs big or small is under the power of Allah (swa). But we human beings fooled by our desires and the Satan we disobey Allah (swa) to achieve our own desires and lust not knowing that it will lead you into nothing but loss and misguidance. No matter how hard we try we cannot achieve the tranquility and peace of mind without obeying Allah (swa). So treasure the gift of guidance like a pearl and cherish it with constant remembrance of the mercy of Allah (swa) upon you. 


Mar 4, 2012



             I guess most of us had experienced  how it’s like waiting in a queue to pay your bills or to get a public service. Sometimes depending on how much people are queued to get that service you might have to wait a short while or hours until your turn is up. In these queues people are impatiently waiting for their turn to come up. 
             Similarly we are waiting in a queue from the day we took our first breath in this world. But in this queue people want to stay as long as possible and people are paying millions of dollars to delay their turn. But unfortunately when time comes your turn cannot be delayed. The most surprising thing is that in this queue you don’t know what your token number is and that your turn could come up this instant or it could take years to come up. But yet most of us doesn’t realize that they are in a queue and that there call could come any minute.  

Mar 1, 2012



Yet another day of my life begins
As the Sun rise and reigns
We drift towards our destiny
With mere uncertainty
As the clock ticks
We are fooled by the tricks
Played by the devil
That leads us to a road of peril
Blinded by our desires
Corrupted by the world’s pleasures
With amassed sins
We grin
With pride
We stride
To the wrath of Allah (swa)

Feb 8, 2012



       In a world were people are bragging about their rights, democracy and freedom of speech we Muslims are being deluded in misleading ideologies of achieving happiness and freedom in this world. The Muslim nations one by one is falling down to the knees of the enemies of Islam  and the satan. Our strong belief and spirituality cultivated by being a Muslim is diluted by beautifying this world to us. Within this it is one of our enemies biggest  ideology to corrupt and mislead our women. A women is considered to be the pillar of a family. They are responsible for producing pious and disciplined children in the societies. It is due to this that Islam had seen pious and upright Muslims who gained knowledge and fought for sake of Islam. So to weaken Islamic societies to gain their wealth and land our enemies is portraying  corrupt ideologies in the name of women's rights to mislead our women.
       We Muslims are obliged to believe in Quran and the Sunnah of our  Prophet Muhammad (saw). If you don't believe in any of these you are not considered as Muslim in Islam. From Quran and  Sunnah  Allah (swa) had instructed us the way to live in this world. So if we Human beings make our own rules and laws which overwrite the divine law of Allah (swa) we will never be successful.


         If you look at the most developed, rich and democratic countries in the world, you will be amazed to find out that these countries have the worst records when dealing with women's rights. But they are always pointing finger at Muslims throughout the world claiming that Muslims neglect and belittle the rights of our women. They don't consider immoral and dirty selling of their women's body and soul for prostitution and pornography as immoral. They don't consider showing of immoral videos and nudity of women on Hollywood movies and MTV music videos as immoral. They don't consider immoral  as using half naked and full naked women as a advertising tool on internet and billboards as immoral. They don't consider dressing up women in immoral clothing and cat walking in front of men as immoral. In all these cases women are used and exploited and their body and soul are exploited just to please the sexual fetish of men. Is this the women's right you are claiming ?


        Prostitution is legal and regulated within 22 countries in the world. It is estimated that there are 40 million women working as prostitutes in the world. Countries like USA, Australia, Austria, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Switzerland, Mexico and Columbia prostitution is completely legal. The median price for a prostitute in South Africa is just one dollar. In Chicago a prostitutes earn 25 $ per hour. Some of the higher escorts range from 10,000 $ and more. This demand had boosted the sex trafficking in the world which is estimated to generate a 58 billion $ a year. Countries like Thailand generates 35 billion $ per year and Japan generates about 27 billion $ a year. This is the women's rights these countries  are bragging about ! They sell the modesty of their women and exploit them just to earn money and they point finger at Muslims for mistreating their Women. Its not only normal citizen's but even high ranked government officials in countries like USA have been charged with these unlawful acts.


         A crime victimization survey conducted by US Department of Justice from 2006-2010 shows that there are 207,754 victims of rape each year in US. There are 525,600 minutes in a non-leap year.That makes 31,536,000 seconds per year. This divided by 207,754 comes out to 1sexual assault every 152 seconds,or about 1 every 2 minutes. The sad thing is about 15% of these victims are under 12 years and 44% of the victims are under the age of 18. This is the reality of these countries like US who are enforcing their ideologies through UN and different other organizations claiming that their justice system and culture are the supreme. They can't even protect their women and children and they are bragging about women's rights. 

          Every second 3,075.64 $ are spent on pornography and every second 28,258 users are watching pornography through internet. Apart from this every 39 minutes a new porn video is being created in US. If you look at the revenue of some countries you will be amazed at how much money this dirty filthy unlawful business generates yearly.
Per CapitaNotes
South Korea$25.73$526.76
Czech Republic$.46$44.941
Other 212Unavailable2
$97.06 Billion
Notes 1=Incomplete, 2=Unavailable data

         The table below shows the industry revenue of pornography generated by US.

Video Sales & Rentals$3.62$4.28
Cable / PPV / In-Room / Mobile / Phone Sex$2.00$2.00
Exotic Dance Clubs$2.19$1.34

         So how can we implement ideologies and cultures of these countries throwing aside the Quran and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(saw). The more we drift away from Quran and Sunnah the more we will fall into the abyss of ignorance. 


         Prophet Muhammad (swa) the last of the Messengers from Allah (swa) came with a book that gave the full  protection to the women in a time were women were sold on the market, abused, neglected and buried alive as infants.
        There are many false accusation made towards Islam regarding the topic of Women rights in Islam,but these are made on very weak basis without properly investigating the text from Quran and Sunnah. The peace and tranquility experienced by Muslims countries which had implemented Sharia fully are witness to this. Even the reduction of  violence towards women on most of the Islamic countries are witness to this. In Islam a women is considered as a pearl. The pearl is protected by two barriers, that is the shell of the oyster and by the sea. This is the type of protection given in Islam for women, Islam don't want our women to be victimized and exploited to please the sexual urge of men.


           But the enemies of Islam had corrupted and diluted the beliefs of Muslim women by deceiving them in the wealth and pleasures of this world. The majority of Muslim women had crossed the boundaries stated in Quran and Sunnah. The women in Islamic countries had come to believe that guarding their modesty by wearing a proper Islamic HIjab is against their rights and women being advised to sit at home to take care of children is imprisoning them. Just like the men the women want to leave their houses and mix with the opposite sex.  Due to this divorces and unlawful acts had risen up in the  world.


           Women claim that they have the right to go out and earn money as men do. But throughout the world surveys conducted on affairs in the offices are showing that this creates huge social problems increasing divorces and breakups of families.Infidelity expert Ruth Houston the author of the book " Is he cheating on you " says that "Experts say that over 70% of single employees will become romantically involved with someone on the job at some point in their career. Research shows that people are more likely to date a coworker than anyone else. Today's workplace has become the new "single bar". The workplace has also become the number one place for married men and women to meet affair partners and conduct extramarital affairs. 

          There are so many disadvantages in women working at modern day work place and it is due to this the women are advised to avoid the mixing of sexes in Islam. Even behavioral studies conducted by experts says that children who are nurtured by nanny's, grandparents or other family members tend to be more disobedient compared to the children nurtured by their own mothers. Islam is a religion which fills all the loose gaps in the Human society if implied according to Islamic Sharia. It is leaving this Islamic Sharia that had lead to fall of many societies of today.


          Dear sisters obey the divine laws of Allah (swa) and guide your modesty. Don't display your beauty to men. Don't be like a toilet which everyone uses and leave. Your body and soul is more precious than being sold on the market. Your beauty is more precious than being advertised on posters to please all the men. Dear brothers protect your women and cover them. Do you want men being attracted to your women like flies being attracted to sweets. For sure no decent man would like their women to be looked in a indecent  manner. Dear women obey your husbands and guide your modesty. Don't be a victim of satan and indecent men who uses you by deceiving you to commit unlawful acts. They give you nothing but false hopes and desires. In the end you loose the love of Allah (swa) and Muhammad (saw), your dignity, your modesty, and your life. How many women had fallen to the victims of satan and men who mislead them and destroyed their life. They did this for a pleasure of this world or to achieve their desires. But this life is short passing and you will oneday face Allah (swa). For women who turn their head away from the guidance of Allah (swa) they will be faced with harsh punishment in this world and in the hereafter.
          May Allah (swa) guide our women and may Allah (swa) protect them from evil men and satan, may Allah (swa) save our women from the punishment of grave and hell. May Allah (swa) reward them with everlasting blessings of Paradise. 

Jan 11, 2012



          Allah (swa) will weigh all our good deeds except for being patient in this transient life due to trials, for being patient due to trials is something that which Allah (swa) will give the reward to that person. It is said that the people of the Paradise will see the rewards given to the people who were patient in this world and they will ask why they are given superior rewards than them. Then they will be told that they are given superior rewards because they were patient to the different trials they faced in this world. Then these people will feel sad because they didn’t go through similar trials in the world of those who were given superior rewards in the Paradise due to their patience. If you read the Quran you will come across different verses that spoke about being patient and its benefits.


            In the Mohsin Khan's Quran translation the word patience appears 33 times in 33 verses. These verses shows us that patience is quality a pious person should possess and also these verses indicates that in this worldly life we will face trials  and the cure for this is having strong faith in Allah (swa), performing prayers and bearing the trials with patience.

            And seek help in patience and As-Salat (the prayer) and truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for Al-Khashi'un [i.e. the true believers in Allah - those who obey Allah with full submission, fear much from His Punishment, and believe in His Promise (Paradise) and in His Warnings (Hell)]. 
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #45)

         Verily I have rewarded them this Day for their patience: they are indeed the ones that are successful. 
(  سورة المؤمنون  , Al-Mumenoon, Chapter #23, Verse #111

           Those will be rewarded with the highest place (in Paradise) because of their patience. Therein they shall be met with greetings and the word of peace and respect. 
(  سورة الفرقان  , Al-Furqan, Chapter #25, Verse #75)

            "O my son! Aqim-As-Salat (perform As-Salat), enjoin (on people) Al-Ma'ruf - (Islamic Monotheism and all that is good), and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief in the Oneness of Allah, polytheism of all kinds and all that is evil and bad), and bear with patience whatever befalls you. Verily, these are some of the important commandments (ordered by Allah with no exemption). 
(  سورة لقمان  , Luqman, Chapter #31, Verse #17)

            And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah. 
(  سورة الشورى  , Ash-Shura, Chapter #42, Verse #43)


         Then the Prophet (PBUH) said "Whatever wealth I have, I will not withhold from you. Whosoever would be chaste and modest; Allah will keep him chaste and modest and whosoever would seek self-sufficiency, Allah will make him self-sufficient; and whosoever would be patient, Allah will give him patience, and no one is granted a gift better and more comprehensive than patience".
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

          The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said "How wonderful is the case of a believer; there is good for him in everything and this applies only to a believer. If prosperity attends him, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently and that is better for him".

        The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said "Allah, the Exalted, says: 'I have no reward other than Jannah for a believing slave of Mine who remains patient for My sake when I take away his beloved one from among the inhabitants of the world".



         The Prophets who delivered the revelations of the Almighty Allah (swa) to the mankind are the perfect examples of the people who were patient in the face of calamities. If you look at the story of Ayoub  (as) you will see that Ayoub (as) was among most patient Prophets of Allah (swa).
         It is said that Ayoub (as) had everything that a Human being wants in this worldly life. Ayoub (as) had an obedient wife, children, gardens, slaves, health and wealth. But Allah (swa) took everything from Ayoub (as) within a short period. It was said that Satan heard the Angels talk about the piety of Ayoub (as) and the Angels proclaimed Ayoub (as) as the most pious person in the world at that time. Due to jealousy the Satan invoked Allah (swa) saying that if Allah (swa) removed all the wealth of Ayoub (as) that he will not be loyal to Allah (swa). So Allah (swa) wanted the Satan to see the piousness of Ayoub (as). So Ayoub (as) wealth was taken form him within no time. Then Satan came in a form of a man and tried to mislead Ayoub (as) and said; 
"All your wealth is lost, some people say that it is because you gave too much charity and that you are wasting your time with your continuous prayers to Allah (swa). Others say that Allah (swa) has brought this upon you in order to please your enemies. If Allah (swa) had the capacity to prevent harm, then He would have protected your wealth." To this Ayoub (as) said "What Allah has taken away from me belongs to Him. I was only its trustee for awhile. He gives to whom He wills and withholds from whom He wills." Next Ayoub (as) prostrated to Allah (swa). The Satan didn't give up and invoked again to Allah (swa) by saying that if Allah (swa) take Ayoub (as) children he will disobey Allah (swa). So all fourteen children of Ayoub (as) died within one day due to an accident. Again the Satan came to Ayoub (as) in a form of a man and gave condolence to Ayoub (as) and said "The circumstances under which your children died were sad. Surely, your Lord is not rewarding you properly for all your prayers." Ayoub (as) again told Satan  "Allah (swa) sometimes gives and sometimes takes. He is sometimes pleased and sometimes displeased with our deeds. Whether a thing is beneficial or harmful to me, I will remain firm in my belief and remain thankful to my Creator." Then again Ayoub (as) prostrated to Allah (swa).
          The Satan was very irritated, but the Satan didn't give up yet. This time Satan invoked Allah (swa) to take away Ayoub (as) health. So Ayoub (as) was afflicted with a skin disease which disfigured Ayoub (as) and was bedridden. All his family members, friends and slaves deserted Ayoub (as ) except for Ayoub (as ) wife. But it didn't stop there ! Ayoub (as ) was exiled from the town too. But yet Ayoub (as) persevered and was firm on the path of Allah (swa). Ayoub (as) who lived a prosperous life for eighty years went through this hardship for eight years.
            It is said that Ayoub (as) wife  labored to feed Ayoub (as) after all their wealth was lost. But the people of the town stopped giving her work. In this desperate moment the Satan  tried to mislead Ayoub (as) wife by reminding of her the prosperous times she had when they were not afflicted by these trials. This made her depressed and the wife of Ayoub (as) complained to Ayoub (as) by saying "How long are you going to bear this torture from our Lord? Are we to remain without wealth, children or friends forever? Why don't you call upon Allah (swa) to remove this suffering? Ayoub (as) was very angry with her and said "In that case I am ashamed to call on my Lord to remove the hardship, for I have not suffered longer than the years of good health and plenty. If I ever regain health, I swear I will punish you with a hundred strokes! From this day onward, I forbid myself to eat or drink anything by your hand.Leave me alone and let my Lord do with me as He pleases."  These words hit her very hard and she left Ayoub (as). In this bitter moment Ayoub (as) invoked to seek Allah (swa) mercy but not to complain.The words which came out of Ayoub (as) mouth were  " Verily ! distress has seized me and You are the most merciful of those who show mercy."  Then Allah (swa) removed all his afflictions. It is said that Ayoub (as) got his health back, his wife came back, he got wealthier than before and Ayoub (as) wife bore fourteen children after the trials were lifted. So my Brothers and Sisters if we are inflicted by trials try to remember the trials Ayoub (as) went through and the rewards he achieved by being patient.


     Statistics says that every 40 second  a person commits suicide in the world. If you look at the statistics of number of suicides for the countries and the statistics of atheists living in that countries you will be amazed to find out that most of the suicide are occurring in countries were there are dense populations of atheists. Since the  atheist doesn't believe in the Hereafter they tend to get depressed easily when their dreams and ambitions die in this world.So they are more likely to commit suicide. That is the reason why Islam pays a huge importance for spirituality. If a Muslim is afflicted with hardship he believes that it is a test from Allah (swa) and that this world is a temporary resident. He believes that there is a better life after death and if he was patient in the path of Allah (swa) he will be rewarded with everlasting blessings with all his dreams full filled. So improve your spirituality by constantly  remembering Allah (swa).


      My brothers and sisters be firm in the path of  Allah (swa). Hold on to the Quran and the Sunnah. That is the only cure for satisfying your soul. If you choose a path other than this, you will fail miserably. Be mindful that Paradise comes with a cost. That cost is being afflicted by trials and hardship in this world. Allah (swa) tests those who Allah (swa) loves. This is to check their firm belief in Allah (swa) and how thankful they are when they are deprived of their worldly blessings. When these people are afflicted by hardship and deprived of their worldly blessings they will praise Allah (swa) and be patient. If they are given any blessings they will thank Allah (swa). These are the qualities of a true believers ! For a pious person this world is a prison, he will be freed from this prison when Allah (swa) takes his soul away from his body and pass it on to the world of the unseen. So brothers and sisters be patient and praise and thank Allah (swa) when faced with hardships. May Allah (swa) shower all of you with patience and steadfastness ! Ameen !   

Jan 8, 2012



       Being dutiful and kind to our parents is a religious obligation upon every Muslim. Hence Allah (swa) had revealed several verses in Quran  relating this matter.


       And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour.
سورة الإسراء  , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #23)

       And  We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents; but if they strive to make you join with Me (in worship) anything (as a partner) of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not. Unto Me is your return and I shall tell you what you used to do.
سورة العنكبوت  , Al-Ankaboot, Chapter #29, Verse #8)
       And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship. And she brings him forth with hardship, and the bearing of him, and the weaning of him is thirty months, till when he attains full strength and reaches forty years, he says: "My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds, such as please You, and make my offspring good. Truly, I have turned to You in repentance, and truly, I am one of the Muslims (submitting to Your Will)."
سورة الأحقاف  , Al-Ahqaf, Chapter #46, Verse #15)

         If you look at these verses you will see that after worshiping Allah (swa) the next thing Allah (swa) commands us is to be dutiful and good to our Parents. This shows us that disobeying our parents and hurting them is the second biggest sin after disobeying Allah (swa) and His Messenger Muhammad (saw).


          Bahz ibn Hakim's grandfather said, "I asked, 'Messenger of Allah, to whom should I be dutiful?' 'Your mother,' he replied. I asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. I asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. I asked, 'Then to whom should I be dutiful?' 'Your father,' he replied, 'and then the next closest relative and then the next.'"
           Abu Bakra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Shall I tell you which is the worst of the major wrong actions?" "Yes, Messenger of Allah," they replied. He said, "Associating something else with Allah and disobeying parents." he had been reclining, but then he said up and said, "And false witness." Abu Bakr said, "He continued to repeat it until I said, 'Is he never going to stop?'"

          Abdullah ibn 'Amr said, "A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said, 'I have come to make you a pledge that will do hijra although I have left my parents in tears." The Prophet said, 'Go back to them and make them laugh as you made them cry.'"


          Being unkind to your parents is the only sin that you will face its consequences in this world and the hereafter. There are many true stories which is a witness to this.
          There once was a son who spent his entire youth in serving his old Father. As time passed this youth became tired of taking care of his father and decided to kill him finally. One night he lifted his father and took him on top of a Mountain to throw him of the cliff. The Father in a sad voice said to the son" Son I know that you are trying to kill me by throwing me off the cliff,but don't throw me off this Mountain ! Throw me off that Mountain ! That is the Mountain I threw off your Grandfather !
          In another story a man once traveling saw in a town an old women being chased by her children. The children were scolding her with vulgar language and throwing sand at her. Behind them there was another man shouting out " Don't stop them ! don't stop them ! I saw with my own eyes this old lady doing the same to her old Mother !
          A Family consisting of five members gathered to dine. The family consist of a Grandfather ( from Fathers side), Father, Mother and two Boys.The Grandfather being very old and due to his weakness dropped a plate and broke it. The Son of this old man (the Father of two Boys) scolded his Father angrily in front of the boys and humiliated his Father.The next day the Son of this old man brought a big coconut shell instead of a plate for the old man to dine. The Boys puzzled asked their Father " Why is Grandpa dinning on a Coconut shell". The Father of the Boys said "How can we buy plates everyday for your Grandfather, you have seen what he did yesterday". The boys said  "Alright ! Once Grandpa passed away we will keep the coconut shell to feed you when you grow old !". These words spoken by the Boys penetrated the heart of their Father which made him realize that old age will set upon himself too. From that day onwards he stopped treating his Father like that.
           These stories tells us that we will face the consequences of treating our parents unjustly in this world. Also the reality is that we might be young and strong now but one day our body will be covered with wrinkles and our head will be covered with grey hair. That day your children will be left to take care of you. If you were kind to your Parents and Children they will take good care of you. If you were unkind to them you will despair in both worlds.


           The Mother and Father who worked so hard to raise you, who nourished you, who clothed you, who fed you, who educated you and who gave you shelter are thrown out of their houses once they reach old age. In the West the children abandon their Parents once they grow up and get employed because the state have arranged retirement scheme's and all shorts of benefits which are given to old people. Due to this the children most of the time doesn't have to financially support them or be around to help them. So the children leave and seek their dreams abandoning their Parents. But will these retirement schemes and benefits replace the touching care and love of a Son or a Daughter? Or do you think you don't need love and care of your children ? Because of this unethical behaviors the Western countries mark and celebrate days like "Mother's day" and "Father's day" just to please these old abandoned Parents. But even then some children just send a card to greet them on this occasion. What they don't realize is that the same fate awaits them. Even we have seen and heard stories of Parents being taken to old age homes or nursing homes because they don't have time to take care of their Parents. These children will face the same fate and they will face the harsh punishments in the hell fire.
            The children are so busy deluded in the worldly desires they forget the commands of Allah (swa) and the Parents who made them who they are in this world. Another very sad thing happening is that after our Parents die most of us think that our obligations to our Parents are over. But reality is that they need our supplications to give them steadfastness in the grave. Apart from this its a pity that we don't find time to visit the graves of our Parents and that we appoint foreigners to keep their graves clean. Also it is common among us that we raise our voice and speak rudely to our Parents. Arguing our Parents and raising our voice is a very serious sin we commit and we should repent to all of these unlawful acts we commit. For once ask your self if you would like your children to do the same thing to you when you grow old and need their care !


           Moosa (as) once made dua to Allah (swa) to show Moosa (as) the closest companion who will accompany him in the Paradise. Allah (swa) revealed Moosa (as) the whereabouts of this companion. So Moosa (as) traveled and  found the house of this person and went there and called out the Salaam to enter the house of this companion. This companion didn't reply Moosa (as) and went on serving two pigs he had with him. One of these pig was a female and the other was a male. He showered and fed both of the Pigs and then replied the Salaam to Moosa (as). Because of this rude behavior Moosa (as) was puzzled and thought how can such rude person who doesn't reply the Salaam and who doesn't take care of travelers be the closest companion in Paradise of him. So to clear everything Moosa (as) asked about the actions of the companion. The companion told Moosa (as) that the two Pigs are his Parents. Allah (swa) cursed them due to their transgression. But even then he is obliged to pay the rights of their Parents,so he is full filling his rights upon his parents. Then only Moosa (as ) realized the virtue  of this companion. So brothers and sisters strive hard to be dutiful to your Parents.


            Our Parents are our path to eternal bliss. If our Parents are alive and living with us it is a great opportunity for us to attain the love of Allah (swa) by being kind and dutiful to them. Unlike the Western world for us Muslim's everyday is a Mother's day and a Father's day. We are obliged to treat them well, greet them well, take care of them well and pray for them everyday.
           May Allah (swa) bless our Parents who labored their whole life to raise us. May Allah (swa) save our Parents eyes from hell fire which were kept open on long nights without sleep to take care of us.May Allah (swa) save our Parents hands from hell fire which worked tirelessly serving us. May Allah (swa) save our Parents faces from hell fire which smiled and cheered us, May Allah (swa) save our parents feet from hell fire which walked miles to get us what we needed and May Allah (swa) save our Parents bodies from hell fire which sheltered us from harm and cuddled us with warmth. 
                                        DEDICATED TO MY MOM AND DAD