That Day shall a man flee from his brother,
And from his mother and his father,
And from his wife and his children,
Every man that Day will have enough to make him careless of
others, (80 - 34-37)
When dangers arise or when we are in need our Family and Friends are always there to help us in this world. But there is day that all these people whom you seek help and assistance will flee from you !
On the day of Judgement when the mankind is brought to the Kingdom of Allah swa for reckoning we will flee from our Mothers, Fathers, Wives, Children, Brothers, Sisters and Friends. That is because they might ask you to lend you some good deeds that you have done. That day everyone will be worried about their own self. That day is so fearful that even an Infant who had died without any sins will be so afraid that the hair on his or her head will turn to grey.
But yet we follow our Friends, Leaders, Mothers, Fathers, Wives and Children's abandoning the law of Allah swa. But if you clearly read the verses on top of this article you will see that all these people will abandon you on the day of reckoning. You will have only the good deeds that you did. So purify your love for Allah swa over all these people.
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