Mar 26, 2012



        A man travelling in the wilderness of a desert rests in a shade of a date palm. He ties his camel and rests in the shade. He falls asleep and wakes up to find that his camel had fled. In mere desperation the man starts looking for it. But his search leads to nothing but thirst and tiring. Hopeless the man comes back to the shade of the date palm and waits the dreadful fate about to fall upon him. Suddenly the silence of the desert is broken by a movement of something. To his amazement the man finds his camel. The joy the man felt was so overwhelming he falls into the prostration of his creator. Its like the man is given a second chance to live. Likewise a man lost in the traps of Satan, desires of this world, corrupted by his desires and with amassed sins will have the similar sensations when he is touched by the guidance of Allah (swa). It is like a man coming from darkness into the light. Gift of guidance from Allah (swa) is like giving you another life. But yet few people treasure this gift.

           What more do you want than the love and the guidance of Allah (swa). He the almighty, the creator of everything and the most merciful has the power over everything in this universe. Not a single living creature can crawl or move without the will of Allah (swa). Without Allah (swa) mercy we cannot even exist a second. All our affairs big or small is under the power of Allah (swa). But we human beings fooled by our desires and the Satan we disobey Allah (swa) to achieve our own desires and lust not knowing that it will lead you into nothing but loss and misguidance. No matter how hard we try we cannot achieve the tranquility and peace of mind without obeying Allah (swa). So treasure the gift of guidance like a pearl and cherish it with constant remembrance of the mercy of Allah (swa) upon you. 


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