Jihad and TerrorismWhat is the different between Jihad and terrorism? I don't think I have to explain the word " terrorism "again. But what does Jihad means in Islam ?.Jihad in Islam means to struggle in the path of Allah (swa). There are three types of Jihad;
1- Verbal Jihad.
2- Personal Jihad.
3- Physical Jihad.
Verbal Jihad
Verbal jihad is to convey the message the last and the final Prophet Muhammad (swa) has brought us. This could be through media,literature and our voice.This also includes the strive against the people who reject the faith non violently.Muhammad (swa) used this method of Jihad in the Meccan period to convey the revelations of Allah (swa) to the Guraish.
Personal Jihad
Personal Jihad is the strive against your own self in the fight against sinning and prevailing the delusions of this world and over coming it.For example a Mother fighting her emotions when a child of her passes away and over coming it by believing that it is the decree of Allah (swa) and being patient about it.
Physical Jihad
Physical jihad is the physical force used in defense against oppression,injustice and persecution. Allah (swa) says in Quran " To those against whom war is made,permission is given ( to fight),because they are wronged;verily, Allah (swa) is most powerful for their aid". ( Quran Surah 22 and Verse 39 ).
The wars that we see in the Muslim lands is it real Jihad ?
The wars we see in Afghanistan ,Iraq,and in Palestine is it real Jihad in Islam ? The first thing we should ask ourself is " Is the people in these lands are oppressed or not ". Lets look at the situation in Iraq. To bring down just one person the American Government used sanctions in Iraq which caused the death of 1.5 million Iraqi children. Next to end the regime of Saddam Hussain the American Government used chemical warfare which spilled the blood of how many innocent civilians. Where is the weapons of mass destruction the American Government was bragging about ? Palestine for more than fifty years the Palestinians had been persecuted by the Israeli government who is illegally occupying Muslim lands. Where is UN ? Where is Human Rights ? Where is the American Government who loves peace so much ? Afghanistan one of the poorest country in the world was totally demolished to the ground by American Forces just to get Usama bin Ladin. If the Taliban where really terrorists why are they negotiating with the Taliban now.. We have heard on media so many times George W Bush saying that " The American Government doesn't negotiate with terrorists".
The American Government use the word " Terrorism" to enslave these countries just to get to the natural wealth of these countries. In doing this how many children,women and men they have killed. So when Muslims takes weapons to defend their lands they are labelled as terrorists and suicide bombers. But when American soldiers Invade countries and massacres a whole community they are peace keepers.
Its time we wake up brothers and sisters and use all that we can do to stop the oppression of our Muslim brothers and sisters in the world. For once think about if your family gets raped,killed and persecuted in front of your eyes,How would you feel ? How would your reaction be ? We cannot sit in our comfortable houses and see our Muslim brothers and sisters been persecuted. Our Messenger Muhammad (swa) said " A Muslim is like a single body,when one part of the body is in pain the whole body feels it ". My question is are we feeling the same for our Ummah ? Where is our Emaan ? Where is our love for our holy Lands ?
I would like to advice the Maldivian government to end the idea of sending troops to the UN specially if there are going to fight against our Muslim brothers and sisters who are fighting in the way of Allah (swa). I advice the soldiers who are joining the UN to clarify more about this by asking a Sheikh . Also I would advice the government to stop the relationship with Israeli government as long as they are occupying Palestine. May Allah (swa) grant victory to our Mujaheddin and guide our top government officials to the right path.
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