Indeed the best speech is the word of the almighty lord Allah (swa).The best way of life is the sunnah of our beloved prophet Muhammad (saw).The best affairs are the prescribed matters and the worst of the affairs are the novelties of the innovated matters. The most noble death is the death of a Martyr.Best of the knowledge is what that benefits.The upper hand is better than the lower hand.Veiling over the death is from ignorance.The worst of the earning is the filthy dirty earnings from Rib-ah (Usury).The worst of the food is the eating the inheritance of orphans.The worst of the reports are those which are lies.Abusing a Muslim is wickedness. Killing him is Kufr. And backbiting him is eating his flesh.He who with hold his anger Allah (swa) grant him rewards. He who is patient in calamities Allah (swa) turns his affairs making it right.He who is proud of himself, who is arrogant , who loves himself Allah (swa) will debase him.He who does actions to be seen by man to be known by man to be heard by man to be loved by man the almighty lord will make not know of him nor the creatures. Allah (swa) is the most gracious most merciful. The king the sovereign the master the lord that rose over his throne in manner which suits his glory that suits his majesty. He is indeed the first and the last and the most high. He is the know er of everything ,he is the know er of everything. Lord of the seven heaven lord of the seven earth.There is nothing like him there is nothing comparable to him. ( This is taken from a speech by Sheikh Feiz ) May Allah (swa) reward him to the fullest.
This blog had been created to give knowledge, guidance,advice and strength to fellow brothers and sisters about our religion( Islam). May Allah (swa) give me strength , guidance and time to update this site.
Jazaakallahuma khair
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