Sep 27, 2011

Signs of weak faith Part 1

1-Committing sins and not feeling any guilt. 
  Committing sins and not feeling guilty and continuing committing the sin is from the signs of weak faith. The companions of our Messenger Muhammad (saw) will rush to repent when they commit a sin. Our Messenger Muhammad (saw) apart from being forgiven for all his (saw) sins,he (saw) would repent  100 times a day.
    But we instead of repenting we keep on committing the sin over and over again . Some people commit sins very openly and they don't seem to feel a bit of guilt. It is something we see daily. There are narrations by our Messenger Muhammad (saw) that each time we commit a sin a black spot will be marked on our heart,if we don't repent and carry on committing the sin our hearts will finally become black due to the spots. Once the heart is covered with these spots, that person will never be enlightened by the grace of Allah (swa).
2- Having a hard heart and no desire to read the Quran.
   Quran is the light of our souls. One who doesn't know a single verse from Quran is like a dead tree. When we have strong faith we contemplate more about Quran and our hearts are open and  we feel the verses of the Quran as we hear it or read it. But for a hard heart,the verses of Quran are just words which goes through their ears. It doesn't increase his or her piety or opens his or her eyes to the truth. There are many Muslims in the world who only read the Quran in the holy month of Ramazan . The rest of the year they leave the Quran on the self. But the Quran is a book that we should read everyday. We should contemplate on their meaning and apply the Quran to our daily life.
3-Feeling too lazy to do good deeds, e.g. being late for salat
  The first sign of weakness in faith is missing or coming late to your prayers. Specially the Fajr prayer ( morning prayer). Prayers are appointments given by Allah (swa). During this five appointments we ask Allah (swa) for forgiveness,sustenance, health,guidance and to attain us with  the goodness of this world and hereafter. If we perform our prayers,it is for the sake of our own self. Not an atom size will decrease from Allah (swa) wealth if we pray or not. Allah (swa) created everything and to Him we will return.On that day first thing to be questioned will be about our five daily prayers. If you have performed your prayers without neglecting them,than all your other deeds will be in order.
4-Neglecting the Sunnah.

   This is most common sign that we see when we look at the Muslim world that indicates our weakness of faith. Sunnah is the way Muhammad (saw) lived. So following the Sunnah is following how our Prophet lived.This includes the way he (saw) performed his worships,how he (saw) dealt with wives,family,companions and infidels,how he (saw) worked to earn his living and how he (saw) dealt with every aspect of life. Loving our Prophet Muhammad (saw) is essential to attain full submission to Allah (swa). Without this our faith is not complete.
     But what we see today is the opposite ! If we follow the way our Prophet dressed up or how he kept the beard or any other Sunnah we are criticized for being extremists or fundamentalist. But if there kids copy the styles western movie stars and pop stars they are  excepted. We being Muslims we should be ashamed of our selves  for criticizing the Sunnah of our Prophet (saw). When we criticize we are actually criticizing the most pious Human being to ever lived on this earth. So beware of this cause those who criticize the Prophet of Allah (swa) will be defamed in this world and in the hereafter.
5-Having mood swings, for instance being upset about petty things and bothered and irritated most of the time.

    Being irritated, having rapid mood swings and feeling not happy or satisfied with life are signs that our faith is weak. Most of the times things like this happen when we are committing sins or we are not satisfied with the decree of Allah (swa). Punishment from 
Allah (swa) doesn't all ways come in the shape of natural disasters or harsh punishments. Sometimes sleeplessness,anxiety and stress are punishment of Allah (swa). Normally these things will happen when someone is thinking about something too much or due to the consequences of his bad actions. Lot of us throw our self into sins and when we realize that our actions had ruined our lives, we instead of repenting we fall victim to anxiety. I have seen people who had lived half of their life but never  are satisfied with the decree of Allah (swa) and never been able to make the right decisions because they have no sincerity in their hearts for the decree of Allah (swa). So sake up this emptiness and mood swings and prepare your self to the journey ahead of you. For once put your self together and gather your thoughts to achieve the hereafter. That should be our main focus,not this world.
6-Not feeling anything when hearing verses from the Quran, for example when Allah warns us of punishments and His promise of glad tidings.
   I recently been to Umrah ( smaller pilgrimage to Mecca) and to my grief I didint feel what Iam suppose to feel when I heard the verses from the Quran in which Allah (swa) warns us of the punishments and of glad tidings. When the Imam is reciting the verses of the Quran I could hear people crying around us,but my heart was hard like rock and I didint feel what these people were feeling. If this is the case, we ought to look into our own self to see the level of piety. The companions of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) prayed so submissively and cried when they heard the verses of the Quran, that it was like the Hell is presented in front of them. Even there are stories of Companions of the Prophet (saw) who had died when they heard the verses of the Quran which speaks about punishments.   
      Most of  us cannot understand the Arabic texture in Quran. But there are sources which will help us understand what Allah (swa) revealed to us through the Prophet Muhammad (saw). At least we should try to learn the meaning of the most commonly recited verses from the Quran in our daily prayers. 
7-Finding difficulty in remembering Allah and making dhikr.
    There are narrations by Prophet Muhammad (saw) in which it says that the dwellers of  Paradise will grief about one thing and that thing is the time wasted not remembering Allah (swa). 
      Mu'az [RA] narrated Rasulallah (saw) said: “The Inhabitants of Paradise will not be grief stricken or sorrowful about anything they did in the life of the world except for the time they spent without being in the remembrance of Allah”. (Tabaraani). 
       I think its a common belief among Human beings  to remember and treat well the people who help us or treat us well. If this is the case,our own existence,sustenance,well being,family and uncountable worldly pleasures are given by Almighty Allah (swa). Then why should we not thank the Almighty Allah (swa) and remember His blessings upon us ! So if we are not thankful to the blessing of Allah (swa) and if we do not remember His mercy upon us it is definitely a sign that our faith is weak. 

8- Not feeling bad when things are done against the Shariah.
    In a world were our Islamic Shariah is criticized, our beloved Prophet defamed, Muslims are called terrorists and our brothers and sisters are killed in day light we the Muslim Ummah if we don't have any concern than for sure our faith is weak. Specially in a country like Maldives were the population is 100% Muslims, it is shame that Islamic Shariah is criticized from the top level to the bottom. If we open the Radio and Television we hear our Shariah been criticized, but we being Muslims what have we done ? 
9- Desiring status and wealth.

    Desiring wealth and status is the main reason our  Ummah had fallen down. After the passing away of our beloved Messenger Muhammad (saw) and the four rightly guided Caliph our Ummah  got lost in the delusions of wealth and status. If you look at the world even now most of the oil,gold and minerals are in the Islamic lands. But look at our status and the level of our greed. Millions of Muslims world wide are in need of basic needs,but the rich Muslim countries are busy building fortresses and gathering money. The leaders and the kings of these countries are sleeping in big mansions while Muslims are dying due to thirst and bitter cold. Our Prophet Muhammad (saw) tied stones to his stomach to fight the pangs of hunger,slept on mats,fasted most of the day when there were no food and slept in dark.This is the status of the most noblest Human being to ever walk in this world. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) knew that this world has nothing to offer except a short stay and that hereafter is the everlasting. So he (saw) built his palaces in the land of hereafter by sacrificing the wealth and status of this world.

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