May 31, 2012




    That Day shall a man flee from his brother,
   And from his mother and his father,
   And from his wife and his children,
   Every man that Day will have enough to make him careless of others, (80 - 34-37)

       In this transient life we human beings are somehow dependent on others. No human being had seen the light of this world without a Mother and a Father except Jesus (as). We are born so weak that without the mercy of Allah (swa) and the care of our Mothers we won’t last an hour. After that when we grow up we have friends who share their dreams and life with us. Afterwards we get married and become a Father or Mother. Once we grow old most of the time we are dependent on our children for taking care of us or we rely on our countries government who pays us after our retirement.
       When dangers arise or when we are in need our Family and Friends are always there to help us in this world. But there is day that all these people whom you seek help and assistance will flee from  you !
        On the day of Judgement when the mankind is brought to the Kingdom of Allah swa for reckoning we will flee from our Mothers, Fathers, Wives, Children, Brothers, Sisters and Friends. That is because they might ask you to lend you some good deeds that you have done. That day everyone will be worried about their own self. That day is so fearful that even an Infant who had died without any sins will be so afraid that the hair on his or her head will turn to grey.
       But yet we follow our Friends, Leaders, Mothers, Fathers, Wives and Children's abandoning the law of Allah swa. But if you clearly read the verses on top of this article you will see that all these people will abandon you on the day of reckoning. You will have only the good deeds that you did. So purify your love for Allah swa over all these people.

May 30, 2012



     Yet another massacre in the Muslim world is going on and the Muslims and the leaders of the Muslim countries are pretending that they are deaf and blind. The world had witnessed several massacres of the Muslims throughout the history of world and yet again we are witnessing one of the most horrific slaughter of the present time.
      We have seen the Palestinians being slaughtered by the Jews, we have seen the Afghans slaughtered by the British, Russians and the Americans, we have seen the Bosnian Muslims slaughtered by the Serbs, and we have seen the Iraqi Muslims wiped out by Americans. The Muslims are oppressed and slaughtered but our decadence and delusions of the world had crippled the Muslim Ummah to react to these on slaughter. The Muslims leaders are sleeping in their palaces with their families and we Muslims are enjoying our life while these Muslims are crying out for our help.

May 14, 2012



          The rows formed during the five congregation prayers in the mosque tell us something that which most of us fail to understand. When forming rows for the congregation the Imam will call out to close up the gaps in between the people, to stand shoulder to shoulder and to keeps each other’s feet touching. The rows should be straight and while performing the prayer everyone should try to keep the rows in the same manner. So when you look at a congregation following these principles you will see the unity and strength in that congregation. The main purpose of a congregation is to create unity and strength and to increase brother hood. On top of that it disciplines you in maintaining order in your day to day life.
           But when you look at the rows formed in the congregation prayers now you will see that people are hesitant to follow these principles. When you look at the rows there might be one to two  feet gaps in between  each other and when your feet touches the feet of the other person that person might frown at you. Even the rows are like a snake. So the real strength and unity of congregation is lost. The reality is that strength and unity of the Ummah is seen from the rows made for congregation prayers. If you had a chance to prayer at the Muslims holiest two mosques you can see how poorly the rows are arranged for prayers. This is a major sign which shows us how weak our brother hood is. If you look at the Muslim world you see how helpless, weak and divided we are. The enemies of Islam are playing with the Muslim countries like a toy. They bomb civilians in front of the whole world and say that it was a miscalculation and they missed the target. And the Muslim leaders who had sold their soul to these infidels’ just smiles and pretend that nothing had happened. But when a bomb explodes in a western country the whole world cries like the world is about to end. And even the Muslim leaders go on condemning the incident like the bomb had exploded in their own house. This is where we stand and how weak we are. So brothers join shoulder to shoulder and feet to feet and keep aside our differences and unite. Without unity we are like the scum which flows through a river.